Welcome to Xiangxing98 GitHub Pages.
2015-04-14 19:20 stone hou, hello, github and world.
2016-08-13 update and add linkedin information
2017-05-06 update r learning progress.
I'm Stone_Hou,侯祥胡 a process engineer in PVD section, 10.5 years working experience in thin film department of SMIC(beijing).
侯祥胡 linkedin Information
I Edit this page via HUAWEI T9501 D2,and PUSH this to github via SGit in 2015-04-13. 2017-05-30 updated.
2023-12-09 update
2024-12-21 update
2021-09-26 update
- 2018-07-02 no news is good news.
2017 Self Improvement/Lifelong Learning Progress--Git Learning
- 2017-05-30 GIT: Git_Note_Advanced-tag/branch/conflict/ignore
- 2017-05-30 GIT: Create-a-new-branch-with-git-and-manage-branches
- 2017-05 GIT: 如何更新自己Fork的代码-全面版
- 2017-05 GIT: 如何更新自己Fork的代码-简洁版
- 2017-05 GIT: Git_CheatSheet
- 2017-07 R_Programming_Coding_Skills
- 2017-05 Other: Working_As_Data_Scientists
- 2017/05/30 Other: How to Find good software and App,plus good tools for scholar writring.
- 2017-05 www_tech_tutorial
2017 Self Improvement/Lifelong Learning Progress--R/Data Science Learning
- 2017-07 R_Mathematics_Calculation_Application
- 2017-07 R_an_introduction_to_stringr
- 2017-07 R_apply_sapply_lapply_tapply_mapply
- 2017-07 R_Merge_Function_VS_Excel_Vlookup_Column_Match
- 2017-07 R_Date_time_Handle
- 2017-07 R_an_introduction_to_reshape2
- 2017-07 R_ggplot2_plot_examples
- 2017-07 R_ggplot2_Learning_Road-Stone_Hou
- 2017-07 R_Statistic_Test
- 2017-07 R_distribution_in_r_and_its_application
- 2017-07 R_Text_Mining_Chinese_Word_Segmentation-WordCloud
- 2017-07 R_Reproducible
- 2017-07 R_fix_windows_warning_message_In_strsplit_input_string_1_is_invalid_in_this_locale
- 2017-06 R_dplyr_Learning
- 2017-06 Getting_And_Cleaning_Data
- 2017-06 R_Data_Manupulation_Basics
- 2017-06 R_Load_Package_In_A_Safe_Way
- 2017-05 R_data.table-Basics_Tutorial
- 2017-05 data.table-data_analysis_with_data.table
- 2017 R_Dataset_Conbine_Split_Delete
- 2017 R_basics_about_r_data-structure
- 2017-05 free-introduction-to-r from datacamp.com
- 2016-02 DailyDiary20160216.html
Good Site Recomended
- R for Data Science by hadley
- install.packages("tidyverse");library(tidyverse)
- R learning Blog
- Conan-张丹-粉丝日志
- datacamp
- https://github.com/xiangxing98/
- sketchup 3dwarehouse
- Public Library of Bioinfomatics
- 谢一辉的R语言忍者秘笈 github site:r-ninja
- plotly
- R news and tutorials R bloggers
- Write HTML, PDF, ePub, and Kindle books with R Markdown
2017 plan
- linux,Data visualize
- Select Element in matrix
- Update_Forked_Project_in_Github
- Git_CheatSheet
2016 plan
- Rent a house @ beijing Done
- R,Linux,Python,R start,Linux and python ongoing
- Statistics ongoing
- MOOC ongoing
- Data Analysis & Data Visualization
- Git & Programming, Data Structure
- Update linkedin pages and working experience
- PVD patent and newest papers, find ways to solving belljar peeling particle
- 3D Sketchup for IKEA like bookshelf,IKEA like bookcase
#Draw Plot
curve(x^2-5*x+2, from=-10, to=10)#画二次函数图像
curve(x^3-3*x^2+7*x, from=-10, to=10)#画三次函数图像
curve(7*x, from=-3, to=3)#画指数函数图像
curve(log10(x), from=10, to=100)#画10为底的对数函数图像
mtcars$car <- rownames(mtcars) #列的名称转换为单独的一列
mtcars <- mtcars[, c(12, 1:11)] #把列名换到第一列
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